I have read the “Rakshak: Origin” series comic books by Yali Dream Creations. It is an Indian-style super hero comic without the cape and the fetish tight suit. It is based on a military veteran who is disabled in a military operation.

“Vigilantism” and “taking the law into your hands” are white-man words for “DON’T mess with my control over you.” You see, in a dharmic society functioning with the right mindset of right-thinking, right-action, “being vigilant” would not be vigilantism in the Western sense, and merely enforcing on the books would not be “taking the law into your hands.” Plus, with the right mindset, demons would fear and respect people with dharma and be much less likely to commit crimes because it would be seen very clearly that the SECOND someone so much as mentions, “I would like to beat you up” or “I’ll take this car,” that person is punished or otherwise taken to jail RIGHT THEN AND THERE. There would be no profit nor benefit from attempting to commit a crime.

Unfortunately, what we see today in the West is a whole society of people who allow their base emotions to control their actions and cause problems instead of using their minds to ascertain the situation and regain control over the situation as quickly and safely as possible. We have a bunch of victims who rely on someone else to take care of a situation that we could do so ourselves if we simply knew who we are and what our duties are.

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